Back to Great Balls O' Dirt.
A. sporocarpia in the field.
Getting REALLY Down and Dirty.

Getting Down And Dirty

Balls O Dirt

The three specimens circled in yellow below have been cut in half to display the interior. Still just looks like dirt...

Balls O Dirt

Click on an image below to see a higher-resolution version.

120X image of surface by Billy Stone.

Balls O Dirt

The following photo-micrographs were taken by Ted Stampfer. The high-resolution versions are about 4 megabytes apiece.

Balls O Dirt


Balls O Dirt


Balls O Dirt

Balls O Dirt

Balls O Dirt

Here's a shot by the pro, Dr. Chris Walker. More of Dr. Walker's images can be seen here.


Dr. Walker says, "Just for interest, I reckon this is reasonable evidence of content flow, though as it is a still image, I suppose I don't know which way it is going. Of course, it also is Archaeospora trappei, not an Acaulospora, but I reckon the principle is the same."

More photomicrographs, taken by Andrea Porras-Alfaro at the University of New Mexico, can be seen here.

Back to Great Balls O' Dirt.
A. sporocarpia in the field.
Getting REALLY Down and Dirty.